TSG Pads
Titus Dittmann, passionate skater and owner of Germany’s most influential skateboard distribution, saw the need and founded in 1988 the protection gear brand TSG. The company’s objective was to develop quality pads that protect from injuries without restricting any movement while skating. During the next years TSG invested a lot of time and budget into the development, design and testing of protective gear that fulfills the different requirements of the skate sport. The investment was worthwhile, the skateboard scene showed respect and enthusiasm. This was enough motivation to continue and finally spend time on designing protection for the most precious part of the body: TSG wanted to develop a helmet to keep the head safe. Considering the skateboarder’s very individual style perception this definitely was quite a bold venture. Despite the big challenge, TSG sat together with some well-known vert skaters and finally did succeed in building a stable helmet, whose look was instantly accepted by the scene.